World Class Leaders Who Loved Our Previous Programs:
What is the AQMeet Research Project For?
That’s because if you would accomplish more in the next year, than the years that passed – principled, focused planning is an absolute must! (It never happens by accident…)
If These Issues Are Part Of Your Life and You’d Like to Eliminate These Conditions:
Here Are the Predicted Outcomes You May Experience, With Your Participation:
Do you want to be part of this Experiment?
Then Join Our AQMeet Research Project and Experiment With the Latest Goal-Setting Technology and Science!
How Does the AQMeet Research Project Work?
The AQMeet Research Project offers a series of regularly scheduled workshops and masterclasses designed to help you re-think, re-imagine, and re-motivate yourself toward your highest vision. We support you on a consistent basis to set and achieve your goals — month by month, quarter by quarter, and year by year.
These live, best-in-class workshops help refocus your mind on your top strategies and re-engage your heart with deep meaning, empowering you to accomplish in one year what might take most people ten years—or never.
Think of this yearly rhythm, to be like that of a clock.
We begin with the Annual Aims workshops, which consist of two full-day workshops. In these workshops we clarify your current position and what targets you can realistically reach. These workshops are delivered live at the start of each new year and each new financial year.
To achieve these goals, we break down our Annual Aims into Quarterly Quests, through full-day, live meetings held four times a year.
Additionally, we hold Monthly Mastery meetings. In these shorter sessions, we focus on building stronger habits that continuously reinforce our key strengths.
Together, these elements form a complete solution to set and maintain a rhythm for lasting success.
Annual Meetings. Quarterly Meetings. Monthly Meetings.
i.e. AQMeet
An Invite to Set Up Your Rhythm for Success!
This Research Project Seeks to Measure the Difference That Our Unique Annual, Quarterly, and Monthly Meetings Can Have, Upon Today’s Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs.
The great philosopher Aristotle once said,
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.
We do not act rightly because we have ‘virtue’ or ‘excellence’,
but we have those rather because we have acted rightly.
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”
This profound truth is at the heart of all great leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers—and it is often misunderstood and rarely applied. (It’s also somewhat counterintuitive.)
Ordinarily, most of us don’t think this way. We see the accomplishments and actions of others, and we tend to assume that their excellence is innate—that they’re simply ‘lucky’ to be gifted in this way.
What we often don’t see are the countless hours, months, and years these individuals invested to become excellent. We overlook the sacrifices they made along the way to achieve what now seems like ‘effortless excellence.’
As the saying goes, successful people do the things that unsuccessful people aren’t willing to do. By doing what others won’t, they often achieve what others seemingly can’t.
Nothing is more powerful in this process than the habit of continually setting goals, refining your vision, and defining your mission, values, and voice. The research on this matter is already settled.
This is the ‘meta-habit’ underlying all greatness. (And there’s strong consensus on this among most researchers in leadership and psychological development.)
Yet, knowing this, a persistent challenge remains: i.e.
- How can you consistently engage in thinking, rethinking, and re-motivating yourself toward your highest vision and goals, amidst today’s world of distractions?
- Furthermore, how do you make these practices truly habitual and rhythmic?
If ‘we are what we repeatedly do’ (and not just what we occasionally intend), then we have only three options for how to establish these habits:
Option 1:
You Do It All By Yourself
Option 2:
You Do It With Seminars, Workshops and Online Courses
If you’re looking for a more serious solution, you might put together a regular schedule of personal and professional development seminars, strategic workshops, and occasional online courses.
This isn’t a bad option. The experience of live attendance, focused concentration, and the energy of like-minded people can help you make significant progress.
However, after a while, you’ll likely find yourself with a cumbersome system. Conflicting methods and contradictory advice from different sources will inevitably need to be reconciled.
Different authors often hold fundamentally different perspectives on life, existence, and meaning, which profoundly influences their choice of theories, mental techniques, and methods for integration.
As a result, you’re still left with the challenge of maintaining a focused mindset and turning this focus into an ongoing habit.
Sporadic seminars, workshops, and courses don’t help you establish a consistent, rhythmic process. Instead, they offer brief bursts of inspiration that are often followed by a return to old patterns.
And, of course, this approach can be costly. (Have you seen the fees some popular ‘gurus’ charge for their seminars and workshops?)
Nevertheless, the likelihood of success with this option is higher than the previous strategy. Even if the content is mediocre, you may still form valuable friendships and partnerships that contribute to your success—which is often the most important part.
With this approach, the probability of success rises to the ‘low’ to ‘medium’ range.
Option 3:
Do It With a Professional Coach or Counsellor
If you’re truly serious, you might hire someone for regular support, such as an executive coach or leadership counselor. They’ll design and maintain a growth program tailored specifically to you and your circumstances.
Just as with physical training, it’s one thing to watch an online program or go to a gym; it’s quite another to have an Olympic coach at your door at 6 AM, ready to train with you. (An Olympic coach not only knows the training literature inside and out but is also in top form themselves.)
Of course, this level of support comes at a price. Expect to pay thousands of dollars a month for this privilege—great coaches are in high demand among high achievers. (Their fees are often in line with the salaries of CEOs and similar professionals.)
If your budget doesn’t allow for this, you’ll need to tackle the challenging task of finding someone both competent and insightful who charges a lower fee. (You don’t want a cookie-cutter clone of Tony Robbins or someone with a coaching certificate they earned over a weekend.)
However, if you do manage to work with a great coach and consistently engage in the process, your probability of success significantly increases.
With this approach, the likelihood of high achievement now falls within the ‘medium’ to ‘high’ range.
So, here are your three options:
- Do it yourself using free and low-cost resources available online.
- Attend seminars and workshops as they come along.
- Hire a skilled counsellor to design a tailored growth plan for you.
At least, that’s how it used to be—because now, you also have…
Option 4:
Unleash Your Best, With AQMeet
Your participation in the AQMeet Research Project combines the best aspects of the second and third options, with few of the drawbacks of either.
What is the AQMeet Research Project all about? It’s centered around live, group leadership counselling sessions where we focus, align, and strategize your life mission, vision, and goals—thoroughly and completely.
Like Option 2, AQMeet involves attending a high-quality seminar or workshop regularly, with the live energy and group momentum to propel you forward.
But because we meet online, you won’t need to travel to attend. You can easily slot these events into your calendar ahead of time. Like clockwork, we meet annually, quarterly, monthly, and more—exactly where you are.
Within the AQMeet Research Project, you’ll develop a rhythm for success—working on your goals and integrating new habits day in and day out, month after month.
Our events are precisely timed and repeat regularly, enabling you to build consistency and focus over time. Much like earning interest on money, this steady commitment will help you accumulate more alignment and inspiration simply by sticking to the process.
Additionally, because our philosophy is unified, our procedures and systems are streamlined and consistent. (You won’t face the inefficiency of switching between frameworks or trying to integrate conflicting ideas.)
At the same time, your participation in the AQMeet Research Project is also like the best of Option 3. That is, you’ll be working live and personally with your own leadership counsellor, John Angheli, on an ongoing basis.
Inside this project, your meetings are led by John Angheli—a world-class motivation researcher and the innovator behind this entire system—who has the essential education and experience to support you in reaching your goals. (for more information, see:
As such, you now have a battle-tested process for high achievement. With the right support at every step, you can rest assured that your progress will be guided like clockwork.
You’re now a part of a family of ‘new school’ leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers – all focused on greater motivation, mastery and meaning.
Within the AQMeet Research Project, John and his team will help you stay focused, inspired, and proactive in your pursuit of greatness, as part of this research.
So, what are you waiting for?
Take advantage of this unique opportunity and get started today!

About Your Researcher/ Facilitator:
John Angheli – B.Arch, M.Bus, M.Ed, M.A.
Leadership Counsellor
John Angheli is a leadership counselor and online educator with a mission to re-moralize tomorrow's leaders today. He has lectured in higher education, served as president of the Australia Life Coaching Society, and has been a counselor to leaders for nearly two decades. With degrees in Architecture, Business, Education, Philosophy, and Film Studies, he brings fresh perspectives and innovative ideas on motivating individuals and communities to unleash their best selves. John aims to reawaken our innate will to find meaning, thereby strengthening our highest potential. His online programs inspire a diverse range of leaders on their unique heroic journeys. His latest project, the feature documentary 'The Great Aha! What Is Happiness', is an autobiographical film exploring how the pursuit of happiness connects to all aspects of our lives — and why this matters. (Watch it online for free.)
The AQMeet Research Project Is a One-of-a-Kind Opportunity
To Setup Your Best Rhythm, to Achieve Your Most Meaningful Life
Be Part of This Research and Experiment for Yourself with a New Rhythm!

Frequently Asked Questions
It is both. Our lead facilitator, John Angheli, is completing a Master’s Research degree at Federation University (Ballarat) based on the findings of this program. The results will also be used to enhance the programs and services offered by our organization, the Center for Meaningful Leadership.
Our goal is to offer the most comprehensive solution for all your goal-setting needs — covering every aspect from big-picture mission, values, and vision to annual goals, and down to the weekly and daily organization of tasks. With AQMeet, there’s no need for additional tools.
However, if you already have a favorite tool, like a FranklinCovey or Filofax planner, you can continue using it and simply apply our categories and insights within your existing system.
Absolutely! We’d be happy to discuss any specific questions you have about the AQMeet Research Project. For further inquiries about our meetings and workshops, please visit our application page, or click on any of the red buttons above.
No, our platform is fully supported by all existing browsers. For our webinar purposes, we use online webinar technologies that do not require you any additional software.
We are currently focused on serving specific professionals through an action research project aimed at objectively measuring the program’s effectiveness, by tackling the major issues facing individuals and organizations today. For this reason, we reserve spots for professionals who are committed to gaining the most value from this process and who are motivated to make it a success.
Absolutely. Attendance is entirely voluntary, and you can manage it yourself. Inside your portal, there’s a link to cancel your seat at our roundtable—no need to call, email, or speak with anyone.